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Electronic Communications for Professionals
Second Edition

ISBN: 979-8-218-21628-3

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A Message from the Author

Dear Instructors and Students:

The Second Edition of Electronic Communications for Professionals is now available!

This new text is distributed in both electronic and softbound formats, both in full color. Some of the advantages of this text include:

  • Competitive Pricing: The electronic version costs much less per student than the paper edition, which can help defray the rising cost of textbooks.
  • Technological Relevancy:We use electronic, "just in time" (JIT) publishing technology to produce this book. This enables us to update the textbook much more frequently than traditional publishers. Your students will be exposed to the latest developments in the field, while still building a solid foundation.
  • Bonuses:We support the text with updated laboratory experiments (available to registered instructors), communication and simulation software, as well as question pools (available to registered instructors). In addition, all instructors receive a FREE complimentary electronic copy of the text, along with an electronic resource package containing complete solution sets and other useful information with each order.

So What's the Catch?

There is no "catch." Our mission is to continue delivering an effective, relevant, and comprehensive electronic communications textbook that is worthy of your adoption and continued use. (In the future, we will be adding additional titles.) It's that simple!

Best Regards,
Dr. Tom Wheeler

About the second Edition

Electronic Communications for Professionals is a comprehensive overview of the exciting field of electronic communications. It uses minimal mathematics throughout and requires only algebra for complete understanding. Each topic is covered in a progressive manner with a multitude of examples and illustrations, drawing on the everyday experience of the student to build bridges to the new concepts. Real-life problems and case studies are presented throughout, with applications of test equipment presented wherever possible, including troubleshooting and safety considerations.

Additions and Refinements for the Second Edition

The following improvements and additions have been added to the second edition:

  • A new chapter on RF measurements has been added (Chapter 20). The chapter covers the use of signal sources, spectrum analyzers, vector network analyzers, and other tools to make safe and accurate measurements of gain, frequency response, power, and other parameters. S-parameters are introduced using an algebraic approach, with emphasis on practical measurements.
  • Figures and illustrations have been revamped throughout to improve clarity, with an increased use of color to emphasize key points and ideas in each figure.
  • Every chapter has been reviewed and rewritten to improve ease of reading, and of course, align with contemporary knowledge.
  • The book now features a complete index to conveniently locate key ideas.
  • To preview this textbook, click here.

    How do I Adopt this Text?

    To adopt the textbook, simply contact us for a quote and provide the following information:

    • Your name and e-mail return address
    • Your institution's name, your job title, telephone number, and department
    • The course catalog and/or class section numbers where you anticipate using the text, and the number of students anticipated in each section
    • Your preference for format (eBook or Softbound copy)

    In return, we will provide you a written quotation that you may use within your organization to initiate a purchase order with us. We'll also be happy to contact you directly if you have any questions. It's that simple! Your books will be available within two weeks of your order submission.

    The Philosophy behind Electronic Communications for Professionals

    Electronic Communications for Professionals is designed to fill a gap in the available electronic education materials for working professionals (technicians, engineering technologists, practitioners, and others who work in the field of electronic communications). There's a real void in communications textbooks. Some entry-level texts, in an attempt to keep the subject matter understandable, avoid any real detailed discussion of the circuits and systems being studied.

    The student is left with an empty feeling; he or she can certainly answer the questions in the book correctly, but can not apply the knowledge to real-world circuits and situations. Other textbooks cover circuits in adequate detail, but also tend toward moderate to heavy use of mathematics in their analysis of circuits and systems. At an engineering level, this is probably an acceptable level of treatment. For most students, the purely mathematical approach fails miserably. It's not that students aren't capable of grasping the mathematical concepts (they most certainly are, if the ideas are presented properly); it's just that advanced mathematical methods are not yet in their toolkits. In reality, people don't need heavy math to understand electronic systems.

    The author's opinion, based on more than 30 years of successful professional post-secondary education, is that people can learn almost anything if it is presented properly.

    This textbook has many features that should make it a valuable addition to any curriculum for electronic professionals:

    • The level of mathematics has been moderated so that only basic algebra skills are needed to work most of the problems in the text. (The only place where a bare minimum of trigonometry is required is Chapter 18, Fiber Optic and Laser Technology.) This has been accomplished with no sacrifice in depth.
    • Each concept is first explained in plain language, and is then carefully developed step-by-step. Every attempt is made to build on the student's already broad base of everyday experience.
    • Each new concept is supported by at least one example. Examples follow a progression from simple to challenging, always emphasizing fundamental ideas.
    • Real-world examples and case studies are sprinkled throughout the text.
    • Real circuits, systems, and their troubleshooting are emphasized throughout the text, with discussion of necessary safety procedures where needed. A systematic method of troubleshooting is emphasized.
    • The text is in full color (both print and electronic editions) with plenty of examples and illustrations to bring the subject to life.

    To preview this textbook, click here.

    Support Materials for use with Electronic Communications for Professionals

    • Laboratory Experiments  This is a complete set of laboratory experiments to accompany the text. A parts list is provided. There are enough experiments to cover more than a semester of study, depending on how you have structured your course(s).
    • Computer Software  This contains software to support the text. The latest program versions will be posted here.